Ah, Monday mornings!! How I love my Monday mornings! You see, I don't go to work until 4pm on a Monday, so for me it's a continuation of my weekend, just without the noise of 5 smaller people.
It's a dressing gown morning for me. Mrs RRD has been up at the crack of dawn to take Princess and Micro2 to the bus stop, and I am enjoying a hot cup of tea and some 'us' time, while we work out what to do with our day together.
The ringing of my 'phone sends a small shiver of anticipation through my bones: yes, the screen reads "Unknown." Control seem to have got the message that I am still alive, and this is a call to a trapped RTC nearby.
"Want to come with?" I enquire of Mrs RRD. She acknowledges that this might be fun, and I rush upstairs to get dressed.
As I run down the stairs she is passing in the opposite direction! "Get into your suit and program the SatNav," she suggests, "while I get my essentials."
Thirty seconds later, the engine running, the SatNav all ready and the lights flashing, Mrs RRD jumps in beside me; flask of tea, book and make-up bag at the ready.
As I ease out of the drive, the 'phone rings again. I answer on BlueTooth (before anyone says anything!!): "Can we cancel you down on that job: no-one trapped or injured." We climb out and continue our day.
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