Friday, 19 March 2010

100,000 Visits - Now It's Your Turn

Dear Constant Reader,

Today, just over a year since this Blog went live, I have reached the 100,000 mark! 100,000 visits to my blog. I accept that most of the hits are from Mrs RRD, but still, that's a whole heap of people who now know about BASICS, who previously had never heard of us. I look at the map of where visits have come from, and I am astounded at the interest from so many different countries.

My life has changed so much, as a result of this blog. I have found an outlet, a way of expressing myself, that I never had before. I have joined and become part of a community, the blogging world, and been accepted by it. I have "met" and made new friends. I have a new name, and so have my wife and children.

There was always a purpose in writing this blog - to raise the profile of BASICS-London, and try and get as many people as possible to be aware of who we are and what we do. But now we move into Stage Two, and this is where you come in.

BASICS-London is a charity. It costs a lot of money to put a doctor on the street, and every penny comes from donations. The doctors themselves get no payment for the work they do, and pay for the extra fuel, insurance and wear-and-tear on the vehicle out of their own pockets.
Each doctor needs blue light driver training (£1000), modifications to their car (£1500), personal protective equipment for themselves (£1200) and the necessary medical equipment to save lives (over £10,000). All of the doctors currently on the road have the first 2, most cadge some form of protective equipment, and few have all the necessary equipment needed. There are currently 15 active doctors in London and the surrounding regions. Many more are standing in the wings, waiting to be trained and equipped.

You may have noticed a new button on the top right of this Website, entitled "Donate". Press it. Give something, anything. There are about 250 visits per day. If every one of those visits paid £2, then, in 2 days we would be able to get another doctor trained on blue lights. In a week, I could have him equipped and ready to go. If you pay more, it will happen sooner.

This is a legitimate request. We are a Registered Charity (look us up on the Charities Commission website -, Number 1002819). Your payment is securely sent direct to the Charity's bank - I will have no individual access to any funds coming in. I will keep you informed of how much is being raised.

For my part, please watch this space, as I will be telling you about some exciting ways in which I will be trying to raise some more money for BASICS-London.

Thank you



  1. Sorry, can't donate as I live in Scotland and we have had BASICS for some time - they would beat me over the head with a portable ventilator if I donated to a London(English) based charity. Keep up the good work, but I still think you need to slow down and not answer calls on your annual leave.

  2. Wow! Thank you to all of you who have ALREADY hit that donate button. Every donation, large or small, will go towards helping the victims of trauma or serious illness. GrumpyRN, I wouldn't want you to get hit over the head, but this isn't just for Londoners. I have already had a donation from Australia, and I'm not going there on a Shout - "Erm, thank you control, I'll just book my flights, and be there day after tomorrow!"

    Keep it coming!!

  3. Linking now. congrats on 100,000 and good luck on getting everyone what they need!
    You certainly are a positive voice in support of the BASICS program.


  4. I did my part to publicize BASICS-London here Hey UK Readers. I'm in California but I know I have some UK readers.

  5. Thank you very much for the plug, Liz!!

  6. Hello, I am a foreigner, an Eastern-European and I read your blog regulary with great joy. All the stories are just amazing and I have already told many people about it. So, congratulations Doc and please do keep up the good job! I will also be happy to donate a few pounds to help BASICS running, however I am a bit surprised that NHS does not support it and doc have to volunteer. Even in my country there are specialist doctors (oxyologists,intensive therapists) who only work on ambulances full-time. Why do you think this is? Obviously there is great need to have that service here as well!! Thank you RRD!

  7. A great blog, which I have been following with interest! I had only ever heard about BASICS in passing before, and now know a lot more about them. While not in a position to donate at the moment (what with having very little money) your blog has instead had the effect of really interesting me in the life of the BASICS doctor. As a medical student, who knows where my life will take me, but you may have started off the recruitment of another BASICS volunteer!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You have a great blog RRD and I'm sure it will become a great platform for your fund-raising efforts. I'm going to link this out to my twitter followers. I wish your program all the best.

  10. I donated ten pounds. I don't know how much that is in the UK. Suppose I'll have to wait for my statement to find out if I'm a cheapskate or a philanthropist.

    Congratulations on 100,000!

  11. How do you feel about nurses working in pre-hospital care? I have been an ED senior nurse in the past, am old enough to have undertaken the ATNC (adavanced trauma nursing course) - which involved passing the medics ATLS. I have passed the PHEC and am an APLS and ALS instructor and currently working in primry care. However my local Basics scheme - Suffolk Accident Rescue Service, will not consider me joining them.
